Corat Coret Pikiran
Friday, 10 April 2020
teh rindu
tiba-tiba saja di sore ini ingin sekali rasanya menikmati aroma teh yang sangat semerbak di hidung...cukup dengan teh dan gula secukupnya mengobati segala kepenatan yang ada di kepala...
Thursday, 9 April 2020
Sriping Pisang
sriping pisah khas buatan ibu saya...hanya di potong seperti koin dengan bumbu sederhana saja yaitu bawang putih dan garam secukupnya...rasanya renyah dan gurih...enak buat cemilan sambil nonton tv
Friday, 3 April 2020
Masker Kain
Di mulai dari datangnya pandemik Corona membuat kami berpikir untuk menyelamatkan banyak orang disini kami melihat peluang yang ada, banyak masker di toko-toko dan apotik sulit untuk ditemukan. Disi kami melihat peluang untung mempermudah saudara kami untuk memiliki masker untuk perlindungan diri mereka dan orang yang mereka cintai...
Kajian Jumat
Kajian ini sellau dilakukan setiap Jumat awal bulan...biasa.a banyak agenda menarik dari bedah buku, baca Al Qur'an, serta mengupas semua pekerjaan yang telah 1 bulan di lalui di bulan kemarin
Friday, 29 November 2019
Kasur Kapuk kasur rumahan kasur jadul
sebuah proses pembuatan kasur yang sangat panjang, dimulai dari mengukur sesuai ukuran yang diinginkan, lalu memotongnya dengan hati-hati, setlah itu dirangkai lembar perlembar potongan sampe terlihat seperti persegi panjang, lalu dianyam atau yang lebih dikenal dengan kata kenongi, pertama pada bagian sisi, setelah ke 4 sisi dikenongi lalu bagian tengah dikenongi secara melintang, setelah semua selesai dikenongi lalu di balik dengan cara d tarik agar menjadi sebuah kasur....dan jadilah sebuah kasur lalu di perjualbelikan secara tradisional dari pasar ke pasar...alkhamdulillah rejeki yang di dapat dari kasur ini dapat mencukupi kebutuhan sehari-hari....terimakasih kasur....terimakasih allah...rizkimu sungguh luar biasa....
Tuesday, 26 November 2019
Ahmad Faozi, Abdul
Universitas Muhammadiyah Purworejo, Jln. K.H.A. Dahlan Purworejo 54111,
Purworejo, Indonesia
Corresponding e-mail:
aim of this study is to find out whether using Inside Outside Circle in teaching speaking skill at the tenth grade students of SMK Ma’arif 4 Kebumen in
the academic year of 2018/2019 is effective or not. In order to achieve
the aim of this study, the researcher uses pre-test and post-test quasi
experimental design. The population of this study are the tenth grade students
of SMK Ma’arif 4 Kebumen in the
academic year of 2018/2019 consists of 264 students. By employing
purposive sampling technique, the sample of this study is class X TKRO B as
experimental group consist of 32 students and class X TKRO A as control group
consists of 32 students. In collecting the data, the researcher uses oral test
as the instrument. In collecting the data, the researcher gave pre-test and
post-test gave to the both of the groups. Meanwhile, the researcher gave
treatment to the experimental group and gave explanation of the material to the
control group.
result shows that the mean score of experimental group is 83.25 which belongs
to excellent category, and the mean score of control group is 76.75 which
belongs to good category. To see whether the hypothesis is accepted or
rejected, the researcher uses of z-test and because of the data have abnormal
distribution, the researcher uses Mann-Whitney U test. The z-value is than
consulted to the z-table at the 0,05 significance level. It shows that the
z-value is 2.645 and the z-table is 1.96. It means that z- value is higher than
z-table that is 2.645 > 1.96. Therefore, it can be concluded that the use of
Inside Outside Circle in teaching speaking
skill at the tenth grade students of Smk Ma’arif 4 Kebumen in the academic year
of 2018/2019 is effective.
Keywords: Inside Outside Circle, Speaking Skill,
is the most important aspect in human interaction. People communicate and
interact with others by using it. In a wide community, English has become an
International language. Most of the countries in the world use English as an
International language to communicate with other countries. Thus, English is
important to be taught and learned by the students. As the form of the
government response toward this case, English language has been put in the
educational system in the country, and it is taught from elementary school
until university and becomes a compulsory subject as in Indonesia it is a
foreign language.
Furthermore, the study of English as
foreign language is mainly developed to master four language skill such as
listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Based on the four language skills,
speaking is the most important skill in gaining the daily communication. In teaching speaking skill,
especially at SMK Ma’arif 4 Kebumen.
The problem is that teachers seem to have difficulties in deciding what
techniques and media must be used and how to teach speaking appropriately. But
the students in this school sometimes face many problems in learning speaking
because many factors such as they are shy of speaking in the class, they are
confuse what to say in learning English, they have low participation and lack
of vocabulary in learning English, they have low motivation from their teacher
in the learning process and less self confidence when they are speak in front
of the class.
To solve
students problems in speaking, the researcher tried to apply a teaching
technique called Inside Outside Circle technique to make the students become
active to improve their speaking ability.
Literature Review
Inside outside circle
Brown (2007:14) says that Inside Outside Circle is
included in cooperative learning that allows the students to share information
and help each other in finding a solution for a certain problem. Hedrick (2010:
125) states that Inside Outside Circle Technique is a simple strategy for
students to share information when questioning, sharing or problem solving in
class. Smith (2006: 53) defines that Inside Outside Circle Technique is a
technique that focus on large group discussion and actively involve all of
students to share their ideas in the classroom.
Bahadorfar and Omidvar (2014:9) say that speaking is
one of the skill that have to be mastered by students in learning English.
Speaking is an essential tool for communicating in the classroom, improving the
speaking abilities of students has always been a concern. Harmer (2004:269)
says that speaking is the ability to speak fluently presupposes not only
knowledge of language feature, but also the ability to process information and
language. Mackey in Zyoud (2016:3) states that speaking is an oral expression
that involves not only the use of right patterns of rhythm and intonation but
also right order to convey the right meaning.
Teaching speaking
Brown (2001:275-276) proposes that there are some principles in designing
speaking teaching techniques as follows:
1) Using
techniques which cover different types of learners needs ranging from language
based focus on accuracy to message based focus on meaning, interaction, and
2) Employing
various motivating techniques. Motivating techniques should be able to attract students
to access their goal of learning and need of knowledge and achieve competence.
3) Using
authentic language in meaningful context.
Nunan in Thomas (2011:18) describes what
teaching involves. He stated to teach speaking means to teach language learners
Produce the English speech
sounds and sound patterns.
Use word and sentence
stress, intonation patterns and the rhythm of the second language.
Select appropriate words and
sentences according to the proper social setting, audience, situation and
subject matter.
This research uses non-equivalent control group design as its research
design and it takes 2 classes (XTKRO B-Experiment
Group and XTKRO A-Control Group) as
the subject of the research which is taken place at SMK MA’ARIF 4 Kebumen located at Jalan Aroengbinang, Kebumen,
Central Java. The variables in the research are teaching speaking skill using inside outside circle as independent variable and the students’ speaking skill as dependent
From the population that is 264 students, the researcher takes 2 (two)
classes consist of 64 students by using purposive sampling technique.
Meanwhile, to get the data the researcher uses oral test to measure the
students’ speaking skill. The steps in collecting the data is making the
research instrument, consulting to the expert, giving pre-test, giving
treatment, and then giving post-test. To analyze the data, the researcher uses
descriptive and inferential analysis.
From the data
and computation, the researcher got the finding and it will be discussed below:
students of experimental group at the tenth grade students of SMK
Ma’arif 4 Kebumen in academic year of 2018/2019 have excellent result on their speaking. From 32 samples, there are 23
students categorized excellent (72%). There are 9 students categorized good
(28%). Meanwhile, the students of control group at the
tenth grade students of SMK Ma’arif 4 Kebumen in academic year of 2018/2019 have sufficient result on their speaking. From
32 samples, there are 16 students categorized excellent (50%). There are 12
students categorized good (37%). There are 3 students categorized sufficient
(9%). There are 1 students categorized fairly sufficient (3%) based
on table of achievement as proposed by Arikunto (2013:
of the data is abnormal, the distribution the researcher uses non parametric
formula that is Mann Whitney u-test because the number of students more than
20, so that he use z-test formula. From the computation, The result of z-value
is 2.645. Being compared to 0.05 significance level, the value of z-table is
1.96. The computation shows that z-value is higher than z-table, which is
2.645>1.96, so the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted. It means that
using Inside Outside Circle in teaching speaking skill at the tenth grade
students of SMK Ma’arif 4 Kebumen in academic year of 2018/2019 is effective.
Based on the data that have been collected and
analyzed, the researcher may draw conclusions as follows:
1. The mean score of the
experimental group in pre-test is 59.25 categorized sufficient and the mean
score of the control group in pre-test is 60.75 categorized sufficient. The
mean score of the experimental group in post-test is 83.25 categorized
excellent and the mean score of the control group in post-test is 76.75
categorized good.
2. Using inside outside circle is effective in teaching speaking skill at
the tenth grade students of SMK Ma’arif 4 Kebumen in the academic year of
2018/2019. It can be seen from the result of zvalue is 2.645. The
result of zvalue is higher than ztable (2.645 < 1.96).
Bahadorfar, M. and
Omidvar, R. 2014. Technology in teaching
speaking skill. Acme International Journal of Multidiciplinary Reseacrh, 2
(5), 9-13.
Brown. 2001. Teaching by Principles: An Interactive Approach to Language
Pedagogy. (2nd Edition). New York: Pearson Education Co.
______. 2007. Principles
of Language Learning and Teaching. San francisco: United States of America.
Harmer. 2004. How To Teach Writing: Effective Sentence, Paragraph,
and Essay. New York: Longman.
Hedrick, Vickie.
2010. Continuous Improvement In The Language Arts Classroom. California:
ASQ. All Rights Reserved.
Smith, Aaker
Janet. 2006. Instructional Strategies for the Classroom. Newton: Pieces
of Learning.
Thomas, James E.
2011. Teaching Speaking Skills. Master Diploma Thesis. Department of English
And American Studies Masaryk University.
Zyoud, M. 2016. Theoretical Perspective on How to Develop
Speaking Skill among University Students. Pune
Research Scholar; An International Multidisciplinary Journal Vol. 2 Issue, 1, 1-10.
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